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Helpful Links​​​

Joanne’s Favorite Sites
General Reference
General Productivity
Science/Medical Reference
-MedPortal AAMC
-MedWorm Medical RSS Feed Provider
-Merck Medicus research and buy chemicals online
-Mulford Library: Instructions to Authors
-National Cancer Institute
-National Center for Health Statistics
-National Comprehensive Cancer Network
-National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
-National Institutes of Health
-National Network of Libraries of Medicine Educational Resources
-National Osteoporosis Foundation
-NLM book search Locator Plus—to verify book authors and titles
-OncoLink ( University of Pennsylvania)
-Online Statistics: An interactive multimedia course of study
-Physician Data Query®
-PubMed Single Citation Matcher- useful for checking references
-Reliable medical information
-Science Daily
-Science News Online
-Scientific and Technical Information: Simply Put
-SEER training modules to learn anatomy and physiology
-SI Units for Clinical Data
-Sigma-Aldrich USA—for chemical names
-STATS (Statistical Assessment Service)
-Study guidelines for studies currently underway
-The Accidental Medical Writer Bookshelf
-The Accidental Medical Writer Pencil Points newsletter
-The Cochrane Collaboration Open Learning
-The Hormone Foundation
-The Medical Biochemistry page-- cell biology
-The Medpedia Project
-The Scientist
-The Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms
-Tips for scientific poster design
-Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals—to verify citation style
-Vitamin & Herb University
-WHO Statistical Information System (WHOSIS)
-World Health Organization


Thank you!
Thanks to the following colleagues for bringing many of sites listed here to my attention: Michael S. Altus, PhD, ELS, Lisa Balbes, PhD, Brian Bass, Karen A. Becker, PhD, Carolyn Berg, MBA, Kathy Bernard, Lisa Catanese, Becky Chesnut, MEd, R. Elliott Churchill, MS, MA, Donna Coffman, MD, Roberta Connelly, MS, ELS, Angela Costello, Ann L. Davis, MPH, Cindy K. Dempsey, RN, MPH, Laura A. Evans, PharmD, Paula Fischthal, MA, Vivian Fransen, MPA, Betsy Frick, Alice Fugate, Barbara Gastel, MD, MPH, David Gattermeir, Julie Gelderloos, PhD, Marc Grobman, MA, Norman Grossblatt, ELS(D), Susan Hoekstra, Catherine M. Jarrell, MA, Cynthia L. Kryder, MS, CCC-Sp, Barbara M. Lom, PhD, Marianne Mallia, ELS, Shanna J. McClennen, PhD, Donna L. Miceli, Larenda M. Mielke, MA, Pamela K. Olsson, MEd, Katharine O’Moore-Klopf, ELS, Jay F. Piccirillo, M.D., F.A.C.S., CPI, Michaela Hoy Purcell, RN, MSN, Colin Purrington, Lynne Roney, Dee Simmons, RN, BA, Bryan Simpson, PharmD, Carol J. Sonderman, MA, ELS, Barbara A. Woldin, BSJ, Michael Worley, ELS, and Jan Zarlenga, MBA



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